And you can text me at odd hours whenever you fancy.
Hope they fixed your aircon today sweetie. This day is just too warm to be working in temps like you were yesterday.
Went to the docs and he's said that I have a mild case of food poisoning which has irritated my IBS and made it worse. Probably the same thing the last couple months.
The stress, mild food poisoning and my IBS are fighting against me making me more ill than most people and myself would normally get. I've just got to let it run it's course.
He's given me some liquid stuff to calm my stomach and I'm on a diet of dry bread, biscuits and (you were absolutely right) flat soft drinks. Bleugh for dry bread but YAY!!!! for biscuits.
Aw crap, I just got sticky drink everywhere, forgot the bubbles shoot up everywhere.
Hope you've had a lovely day and not too long, hot and sweaty.
Oh and ps
Oh yeah, and, I like you!
More dvd's?! My word, you must have the biggest collection ever. Shame nobody was up for the festi tomorrow but if you got new films at least you got plenty to watch. I think I'll probably be writing a letter. I wonder to whom?! I was showing my Mum my stationary box tonight and she was laughing at me finding my love of all things sticky and glittery once again.
As you can guess I'm feeling a hell of a lot better after my sleep and I took some ibuprofen and had cups of tea so now I'm awake! But I'm still gonna make myself go to bed again in a minute. Even if I write a little bit and then go to sleep it'll help.
So what was so active in your dreams last night then that my knee's so sore?! Come on, spill!
Hmm, suppose I better go back to bed and rest.
Sure I will be in touch plenty over next couple days.
Enjoy your day off sweetie.
I found the book so i've ordered it now and am much happier
You know, I think that version of Alice in Wonderland is my favorite. It just doesn't get better than the Mad Hatter.
I have a thing for camo :
[Edited on May 29, 2006 6:58PM]
I am ok hun thanx.... just trying to hang in there ya know.. lol... hope you are doing well... bye bye for now ..
uitgroeien zullen ze niet snel doen...maar je kan wel evrlammingen in je gezicht krijgen hahaha
ze worden in veel shops ook niet gezet om de zitten daar veel spieren en je kan daar niet goed geneog voor mikken om er geen 1 te raken, dus dat is nog afwachten...
Het is vroeg man, maar ga dalijk naar de paasmarkt
fijne dag nog
You definately sit in my handful of people who I consider to be true friends. I like your definition of real friends. It's similar to my own but much better detailed.
Nope, no distressed texts tonight. I ignored the knobhead ex of my housemate and his girlfriend. Probably childish but then the last time I spoke to him was when he threatened to throw away our mail 'cos my housemate couldn't pay the phone bill.
It turned out to be a cool night though. We didn't stay long as there was a bit of an atmosphere. Rather went to the pub and played darts. Only just got in now.
Hope you had a lovely evening hon!
And have an even better day cleaning and such tomorrow.
I'm so glad you're a part of my life.
Speak to ya soon sweetie!!
Na night and sweetest of dreams to you.
And don't apologise for texting me. I love such little messages from you. They mean a hell of a lot to me. Just like you do.
I'm sure the sound bites are just fine. You're just too picky. He he he!!
Glad you got your Transformers downloads through as well. I'm guessing that's where you are now?! Nope, not on msn . Hope the headaches not too bad now sweetie. I hate headaches but I get them pretty regular. I just stress too much. I need to win enough money to just buy a little house and not have to do a job to meet paying the bills but more for my own enjoyment and fulfillment. That would be good with no stress.
Ben and Jerry's?! Raw Cookie Dough is the only flavour!! I could eat gallons of the stuff.
Hope all the episodes are proving to be as excellent as you remember them.
Glad you like the glasses. I love 'em!!! I'm sooo about the accessories. Everything has to match and co-ordinate or I don't feel comfortable. Probably why I own so many accessories.
I bought a webcam today!! Woohoo! They used to freak me out a bit but I was pretty excited about getting one today. And it means I can see you!