Great weekend was had w/ my misses and the lovely Candee Suicide.

Went to the last show of this years Hell On Earth tour. Stick To Your Guns blew me away opening the show! Didn't know them before but am a definate fan now. Animosity had tech probs and kept their performance short, which I didn't mind too much cus I wasn't really feeling them. Nor the next band, locals Human Demise (filling in for Cataract). Then The Red Chord came on, another band I didn't know, but they gave a solid perfomance. Big ups to the leadsinger, he smiled so much you couldn't resist feeling happy! Then.. then Evergreen Terrace took the stage. They're one of my fav's and they were ace once again!! And of course Walls Of Jericho finished / headlined the tour, getting the entire venue to bounce, mosh, scream, cheer, and just rock out all together. Great energy, awesome performance!

You should've come with us.

Ape out. For now that is. You know how I do.

yeah i'm gonna start with the cut then work on the colour! 

Don't celebrate Halloween? No way. You need to do something about that