Lately my thoughts go out to these two guys. Let's all hope for a speedy and full recovery.
That said, I been kinda awol on here lately, haven't I? Haha. Still posting, still responding, just been a while since my last update so here goes....

Work's okay, college is good, the team's struggling to survive, we're retraining our doggy (separation anxiety), might have to find a new home for one of our cats (Mirra's also suffering from separation anxiety), am going to the Hell on Earth tour October 19th w/ Candee Suicide (also pictured above with yours truely and my misses), see Kubus + BangBang this Friday, aaaand will get my ink finished on Wednesday.
That's the ups & downs of this monkey's life at the mo. How are you lot doing?!
Btw, has anyone told you lately that you're a wonderful person? Well I'm telling you now, and I'm grateful for our friendship.
Ape out.

besos nene
que estes muy bien
take care