About 10 pm last night: I set up the sleeper-sofa we recently put in the livingroom. Haha. We spend there all night, first watching tv-shows, then.... sleeping.
Almost 9 am this morn: I got up with the bear (our doggy) and went to the park. The wind was freezing but there was clear blue skies and sunshine!
Bout half9 (still morning): woke up the misses, climbed back in the 'new bed', this time w/ tea and pancakes. Mmmm.
Sometime after 11 (am): got up, got showered, got dressed.
Two pm: D & Marlou dropped by, we headed into town w/ them and the bear, and teamed up w/ Candee again. Briefly checked the Tattoo Expo again (nothing special, still), then grabbed late lunch at Micky D's.
Between 4 and 5 pm: back home. The misses playing on the DS, me writing a new bloggy, the bear sleeping.
Tonight: do some homework, then watch tv.
That's a lazy Sunday.

Ape out.

argh hehe, we don't really have a cd right now tho to be honest hehe
, I have to go for tests and stuff but I'm sure I'll be fine. It just gives me an excuse for the boy to spoil me