Inspired by:
Who remembers those?!?!

You even had like a basketball version and such. LOL.
Beware, cus this blog is gonna be even more random than the last, haha.
I haven't really been upto much, so I'm just gonna share some facts and interests w/ y'all. First off go check and download this Attack of the Blogs mixtape. Some refreshing hiphop for your mp3-player! I btw also purchased the new Baker has a Death Wish dvd. Go support that (got some hilarious skits
). Now, I dunno why but le'me share some outfits I'd like to see on the ladies with you. If you own something like the following combo's, take a pic and I'll dedicate a future blog to it. There's two styles I really like at the mo, both are a mix of 80s & cool. They.. well, le'me just show you: there's "Contestant A" and then there's "Contestant B". (If anyone btw wants to know where to get the items pictured: most is from TopShop and the cap-n-trainers are from Dr.Jays.) What d'you think?? I love 'em.
So. What else is there to share.... Oooooooh!! We're going to Brussels in about two and a half weeks!!!! Pretty excited about that, I've never been!
Okay then. Thas all I wanted to share at this point. Can't leave without a pic tho so here's my locker at work, ghehehe. More visuals next time round. Promise.

Have a good second half of your week!! Ape out.
Who remembers those?!?!

Beware, cus this blog is gonna be even more random than the last, haha.
I haven't really been upto much, so I'm just gonna share some facts and interests w/ y'all. First off go check and download this Attack of the Blogs mixtape. Some refreshing hiphop for your mp3-player! I btw also purchased the new Baker has a Death Wish dvd. Go support that (got some hilarious skits

Okay then. Thas all I wanted to share at this point. Can't leave without a pic tho so here's my locker at work, ghehehe. More visuals next time round. Promise.

Have a good second half of your week!! Ape out.
tot strakjes

i was wondering where were you hiding!
how are you ?! havent seen you in a long time :/