And life continues.
Haha. Nothing really special happened the past few days, just went out w/ my girl and my boy D. to see Kung Fu Panda ..which is teh shit!! You HAVE to go see that one! Besides that my days consisted of work mostly, lotsa staff on holiday at the mo, means more work for us.
I have my holidays spread out, there's a week in November where we go to Copenhagen. A week at the end of August, in which I'm trying to plan my next tattoo appointment. (Yay!!
) And I have a week off at the end of this month. I'll be working on finishing up our backroom then, plus we're having my girl's Birfday BBQ.
Oh, we got these awesome New Era caps in at work now. Bought two straight away, hahaha. Anywho, picture time....
That's an ol' school Imadodattaz tape I pictured above. Ya'll prolly don't know them but member Y'skid has this to offer at the mo. I love it! (Edit: I see they unfortunately took the download option down, but you can still listen to it.)
Yesterday was my day off ..and I spend way too much time at the skateshop, bouncing store and gear ideas of'f eachother.
Thas all, gotta run for work now!! Ape oooouuuuuut.
ps. Yesh, I'm plugging Madonna. Deal with it.
And life continues.

I have my holidays spread out, there's a week in November where we go to Copenhagen. A week at the end of August, in which I'm trying to plan my next tattoo appointment. (Yay!!

Oh, we got these awesome New Era caps in at work now. Bought two straight away, hahaha. Anywho, picture time....

That's an ol' school Imadodattaz tape I pictured above. Ya'll prolly don't know them but member Y'skid has this to offer at the mo. I love it! (Edit: I see they unfortunately took the download option down, but you can still listen to it.)
Yesterday was my day off ..and I spend way too much time at the skateshop, bouncing store and gear ideas of'f eachother.

Thas all, gotta run for work now!! Ape oooouuuuuut.

ps. Yesh, I'm plugging Madonna. Deal with it.
i will thank you

It has been lovely out here (not to rub it in haha).
Nothing makes me happier than pretty days. I know that you're the same way regarding weather.
With any luck things will clear up there for you soon! I'm scheming on something to do tomorrow to get the kids out of the house and enjoy the good weather. We're having a relatively mild few days and I think we should enjoy it before it's swelteringly hot and I won't be able to tear my son out from the cool air conditioning inside. haha Best wishes for some sun to come your way!