There we go. A brand new blog. About..? Yeah, good question. Nothing much going on in the world of Ape lately. Just finished a seven day stretch at work, needless to say I'm happy to have a day off.
The sun is shining. I'm wearing shorts. I baked fresh cupcakes. I re-organised the bedroom (my girl is having trouble sleeping, so now the bed's in line with the earthlines ..or so I hope). Also showed my face at the local skateshop for a quick chat. And now I'm chilling, thinking about what to make for dinner, and then later on basketball practice.

Oh and I'm looking forward to ordering some Johnny Cupcakes shirts.
It's soooo hard to choose tho!!
And today I love James even more than I already used to.
Ape out.
There we go. A brand new blog. About..? Yeah, good question. Nothing much going on in the world of Ape lately. Just finished a seven day stretch at work, needless to say I'm happy to have a day off.

The sun is shining. I'm wearing shorts. I baked fresh cupcakes. I re-organised the bedroom (my girl is having trouble sleeping, so now the bed's in line with the earthlines ..or so I hope). Also showed my face at the local skateshop for a quick chat. And now I'm chilling, thinking about what to make for dinner, and then later on basketball practice.

Oh and I'm looking forward to ordering some Johnny Cupcakes shirts.

And today I love James even more than I already used to.

Ape out.

I have a white tee that is no longer available in the shop, It has a stomach and a cupcake inside, I love it
thank you for commenting my new set!