Lazy day @ the home office. Reminiscing bout the old, pondering bout the new.

Was browsing YouTube this morn and came across this. THAT right there, to me, was hiphop's golden era. I remember being the sole one up at home, late at night, curled up on the couch, watching Yo! MTV Raps. More than once I found myself waking up in the middle of the night, tv on static, sleepy dragging myself to bed, only to get up early in the morn again for my paperroute. Ah the memories.
The next big thing in my life will shape my future. Our future. Dates are set: Februari 21st I'm flying over to Leeds, UK, to help my girl pack up her last things. Sunday the 24th of Februari, we'll be on the ferry, and the move will be definate.
I soooo can not wait! I love her with all my heart, soul, mind, and being. She's my world.
Now for some randomness.
1) If you haven't seen this trailer yet, go do so now!! Jack Black & Mos Def, doesn't get much more awesome than that!!!!
2) I do not care what you call me, but these kicks simply ROCK!
Okay, spoilerised revised calendar and then Im out again. Enjoi your Sun-day.
Lazy day @ the home office. Reminiscing bout the old, pondering bout the new.

Was browsing YouTube this morn and came across this. THAT right there, to me, was hiphop's golden era. I remember being the sole one up at home, late at night, curled up on the couch, watching Yo! MTV Raps. More than once I found myself waking up in the middle of the night, tv on static, sleepy dragging myself to bed, only to get up early in the morn again for my paperroute. Ah the memories.

The next big thing in my life will shape my future. Our future. Dates are set: Februari 21st I'm flying over to Leeds, UK, to help my girl pack up her last things. Sunday the 24th of Februari, we'll be on the ferry, and the move will be definate.

Now for some randomness.

1) If you haven't seen this trailer yet, go do so now!! Jack Black & Mos Def, doesn't get much more awesome than that!!!!
2) I do not care what you call me, but these kicks simply ROCK!
Okay, spoilerised revised calendar and then Im out again. Enjoi your Sun-day.
