Thank you sweetie.
You definately sit in my handful of people who I consider to be true friends. I like your definition of real friends. It's similar to my own but much better detailed.
Nope, no distressed texts tonight. I ignored the knobhead ex of my housemate and his girlfriend. Probably childish but then the last time I spoke to him was when he threatened to throw away our mail 'cos my housemate couldn't pay the phone bill.
It turned out to be a cool night though. We didn't stay long as there was a bit of an atmosphere. Rather went to the pub and played darts. Only just got in now.
Hope you had a lovely evening hon!
And have an even better day cleaning and such tomorrow.
I'm so glad you're a part of my life.
Speak to ya soon sweetie!!
Na night and sweetest of dreams to you.
And how lovely for me coming home after a super STRESSFUL day and finding a lovely long message from you.
And don't apologise for texting me. I love such little messages from you. They mean a hell of a lot to me. Just like you do.
I'm sure the sound bites are just fine. You're just too picky. He he he!!
Glad you got your Transformers downloads through as well. I'm guessing that's where you are now?! Nope, not on msn . Hope the headaches not too bad now sweetie. I hate headaches but I get them pretty regular. I just stress too much. I need to win enough money to just buy a little house and not have to do a job to meet paying the bills but more for my own enjoyment and fulfillment. That would be good with no stress.
Ben and Jerry's?! Raw Cookie Dough is the only flavour!! I could eat gallons of the stuff.
Hope all the episodes are proving to be as excellent as you remember them.
Glad you like the glasses. I love 'em!!! I'm sooo about the accessories. Everything has to match and co-ordinate or I don't feel comfortable. Probably why I own so many accessories.
I bought a webcam today!! Woohoo! They used to freak me out a bit but I was pretty excited about getting one today. And it means I can see you!
You definately sit in my handful of people who I consider to be true friends. I like your definition of real friends. It's similar to my own but much better detailed.
Nope, no distressed texts tonight. I ignored the knobhead ex of my housemate and his girlfriend. Probably childish but then the last time I spoke to him was when he threatened to throw away our mail 'cos my housemate couldn't pay the phone bill.
It turned out to be a cool night though. We didn't stay long as there was a bit of an atmosphere. Rather went to the pub and played darts.
Hope you had a lovely evening hon!
And have an even better day cleaning and such tomorrow.
I'm so glad you're a part of my life.
Speak to ya soon sweetie!!
Na night and sweetest of dreams to you.
And don't apologise for texting me. I love such little messages from you. They mean a hell of a lot to me. Just like you do.
I'm sure the sound bites are just fine. You're just too picky.
Glad you got your Transformers downloads through as well. I'm guessing that's where you are now?!
Ben and Jerry's?! Raw Cookie Dough is the only flavour!! I could eat gallons of the stuff.
Hope all the episodes are proving to be as excellent as you remember them.
Glad you like the glasses. I love 'em!!! I'm sooo about the accessories. Everything has to match and co-ordinate or I don't feel comfortable. Probably why I own so many accessories.
I bought a webcam today!! Woohoo! They used to freak me out a bit but I was pretty excited about getting one today. And it means I can see you!