Getting to lounge around in matching black pants and vest
Hope they fixed your aircon today sweetie. This day is just too warm to be working in temps like you were yesterday.
Went to the docs and he's said that I have a mild case of food poisoning which has irritated my IBS and made it worse. Probably the same thing the last couple months.
The stress, mild food poisoning and my IBS are fighting against me making me more ill than most people and myself would normally get. I've just got to let it run it's course.
He's given me some liquid stuff to calm my stomach and I'm on a diet of dry bread, biscuits and (you were absolutely right) flat soft drinks. Bleugh for dry bread but YAY!!!! for biscuits.
Aw crap, I just got sticky drink everywhere, forgot the bubbles shoot up everywhere.
Hope you've had a lovely day and not too long, hot and sweaty.
Oh and ps
And you can text me at odd hours whenever you fancy.
Getting to lounge around in matching black pants and vest
Hope they fixed your aircon today sweetie. This day is just too warm to be working in temps like you were yesterday.
Went to the docs and he's said that I have a mild case of food poisoning which has irritated my IBS and made it worse. Probably the same thing the last couple months.
The stress, mild food poisoning and my IBS are fighting against me making me more ill than most people and myself would normally get. I've just got to let it run it's course.
He's given me some liquid stuff to calm my stomach and I'm on a diet of dry bread, biscuits and (you were absolutely right) flat soft drinks. Bleugh for dry bread but YAY!!!! for biscuits.
Aw crap, I just got sticky drink everywhere, forgot the bubbles shoot up everywhere.
Hope you've had a lovely day and not too long, hot and sweaty.
Oh and ps
You have the cutest laugh ever!