Chemistry sucks. My instructor sucks. He says "essentially" way too much. Last Friday I counted 56 essentiallys. Is it really essential to say essentially that much?
He doesnt teach us, he talks at us. He gives us a chart, and 5 minutes later we are supposed to have memorized it.
We will be talking about thermochemical equations and azimuthals or some shit, and finish the current chapter, and we'll have 3 minutes till the class is over. Instead of giving us a hundred and fucking eighty seconds to absorb whatever it was we just went over, he starts the next chapter, and before we are released we are halfway done with that one.
So, my goal is to fail the course intentionally. And trust me, there is some logic in this: did you know that if you get a D or an F in a course you can retake it and replace that failing grade with a better grade? Besides that, the failing grade doesnt contribute to your GPA. Retarded rule: If I get a C, I can still retake the course, but even if I get an A, it will not replace the C.
Soooo.... it seems ridiculous to try and barely pass, since I do not understand the material. I have to take Chem2 still!
*Sigh* ... I highly recommend no one take chemistry with Phillips at BCC....
Just for shits and giggles, I'll tally the essentiallys tomorrow.
He doesnt teach us, he talks at us. He gives us a chart, and 5 minutes later we are supposed to have memorized it.
We will be talking about thermochemical equations and azimuthals or some shit, and finish the current chapter, and we'll have 3 minutes till the class is over. Instead of giving us a hundred and fucking eighty seconds to absorb whatever it was we just went over, he starts the next chapter, and before we are released we are halfway done with that one.
So, my goal is to fail the course intentionally. And trust me, there is some logic in this: did you know that if you get a D or an F in a course you can retake it and replace that failing grade with a better grade? Besides that, the failing grade doesnt contribute to your GPA. Retarded rule: If I get a C, I can still retake the course, but even if I get an A, it will not replace the C.
Soooo.... it seems ridiculous to try and barely pass, since I do not understand the material. I have to take Chem2 still!
*Sigh* ... I highly recommend no one take chemistry with Phillips at BCC....
Just for shits and giggles, I'll tally the essentiallys tomorrow.
NOBODY!! ... and you start in on Chemistry... lol...
well, I guess it is a start... anyways... welcome to SG... hope you like it here!
and unfortunately, Chem is taking up a huge chunk of my life right now, so that's all I've got to talk about. Take it or leave it.
And cant you ever just SYMPATHIZE with me!?!?!?!