hmph. i shouldn't be able to log in.
or maybe that's tommorow..
anyway, yeah.
i wanted to share something insightful with you guys, but i really haven't had enough coffee yet.
i've got so much work to do this week. i have three exams on the same day! what's up with that?
and who the hell says 'what's up with that' anymore?
i really...
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or maybe that's tommorow..
anyway, yeah.
i wanted to share something insightful with you guys, but i really haven't had enough coffee yet.
i've got so much work to do this week. i have three exams on the same day! what's up with that?
and who the hell says 'what's up with that' anymore?
i really...
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i was up at nine this morning. it's a strange time when your school day is 2-10.
the west wing re-starts tonight. i don't like much tv, but i have loved that show. i re-watched all four seasons this summer thanks to the wonders of internet file sharing. it makes tonight's season premiere bittersweet, since all advanced reports say it has lost most of it's...
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the west wing re-starts tonight. i don't like much tv, but i have loved that show. i re-watched all four seasons this summer thanks to the wonders of internet file sharing. it makes tonight's season premiere bittersweet, since all advanced reports say it has lost most of it's...
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yes forever is subjective...i'm trudging thru the chaos...that sucks your bass was stolen.. i had a nightmare that mine was once, but i am probably the only person here that has it so i would be able to find it quick...i have been having to wake up early every day.. i miss sleeping in. that's funny you watched west wing, i had it on in the's it with me...blah.
I'm going to call your radio station and make you play Siouxsie on Friday.
I went to "Twin Peaks", WA had some pie at the Mar T, it wasn't very good pie, but I did find the passenger car in which Laura was Killed.
I went to "Twin Peaks", WA had some pie at the Mar T, it wasn't very good pie, but I did find the passenger car in which Laura was Killed.
i just rediscovered Faliure's Magnified. what a cool record. i love that bass tone. i need to figure out how to get that kinda fuzz.
speaking of bass fuzz, i suggest you all check out Man. Man is a one man band, employing a distorted Bass and a kick drum.
i've got some work to do today, i'll check in with...
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speaking of bass fuzz, i suggest you all check out Man. Man is a one man band, employing a distorted Bass and a kick drum.
i've got some work to do today, i'll check in with...
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Critters outnumber folks by astounding numbers in this here Shenandoah Valley.
does forever end? what the hell is forever undisclosed amount of time..unkown...busy busy...
is it strange that i impose my moods on a 350km listening radius? that i used 6000Watts to show everyone how crummy i'm feeling?
can i still use the word crummy? i'm not very good at adapting my vocabulary. at least for slang, anyway. i think all the hip words in my lexicon are the one's i picked up my first two weeks of...
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can i still use the word crummy? i'm not very good at adapting my vocabulary. at least for slang, anyway. i think all the hip words in my lexicon are the one's i picked up my first two weeks of...
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do you have another AIM name or are you no longer on AIM?
Sorry Matt was I supposed to respond to your 1st post in my journal?
heya. The sets this week have been hott, n'est pas?
radio day is friday. i've been in a funk, so today i played a lot of 10 minute noise epics and death metal.
including.. Fantomas - pages 1-5
Botch - We Are The Romans / Man The Ramparts
Soilent Green - Sewn Mouth Secrets
Melvins - Lysol (side 1)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be...
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radio day is friday. i've been in a funk, so today i played a lot of 10 minute noise epics and death metal.
including.. Fantomas - pages 1-5
Botch - We Are The Romans / Man The Ramparts
Soilent Green - Sewn Mouth Secrets
Melvins - Lysol (side 1)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be...
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yes, adventures indeed. but it is making for a tired girl here! i love botch...good stuff. i like listening to hardcore. helps me get angry out of my's school treating ya? i am now officially a drop out! AAAAH!
I haven't kept the journal the way i used to.
it's funny, i went through a couple phases at the end of the summer. a cleaning thing, and it kinda spilled onto my computer.
(not actually cleaning products. i'm always careful around the computer.)
i still love it here, but life shifts. i don't ever consider quitting, though.
it's like your old favorite club. you...
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it's funny, i went through a couple phases at the end of the summer. a cleaning thing, and it kinda spilled onto my computer.
(not actually cleaning products. i'm always careful around the computer.)
i still love it here, but life shifts. i don't ever consider quitting, though.
it's like your old favorite club. you...
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I am enjoying my classes too, so far, still have yet to get my text books though.... probably get my text for philosophy of science on Friday, the rest will have to wait until I get my OSAP (very soon I think). I have no idea what I'll be doing when I graduate, it kinda freaks me out... I get asked that question by my family all the time and I never really know what to tell them. Regardless of what we go on to do when we finish though, we are better for having had the experience of school. It's something that no one can take from you, ever.
The Man in Black. 1971
Well you wonder why I always dress in black
Why you never see bright colors on my back
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone
Well there's a reason for the things that I have on
I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down
Livin' in the hopeless hungry side of town...
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Well you wonder why I always dress in black
Why you never see bright colors on my back
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone
Well there's a reason for the things that I have on
I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down
Livin' in the hopeless hungry side of town...
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i'm sad and romantic. what a mixture; all i need now is a drink.
oh, my.
oh, my.
the man in white tried to stuff me back in my mother's womb
oh! the humanity.
ohhhhhhh okay you changed your name huh? I saw you in my testimonials...I'm probably real late and you changed it like ages ago. <3 x 1000.
listening to turbonegro
wearing all denim
drinking canadian pilsner
thinking to hell with good intentions
i still hate
wearing all denim
drinking canadian pilsner
thinking to hell with good intentions
i still hate

i'm serious we should start an anticat group... want to?
all denim... that's prison stylee... i've always wanted a pointy stick, and an orange jumpsuit..
speaking of good intentions.... i saw a mclusky video on muchmusic the other night... i love those guys....
canadian pilsner? blue?...... mmm..... steam whistle.
speaking of good intentions.... i saw a mclusky video on muchmusic the other night... i love those guys....
canadian pilsner? blue?...... mmm..... steam whistle.
This is where I usually make a smart-assed comment.
I've always found myself to be a total outsider on the Internet. I have no love for cats. I don't think they're cute, or cool. I've never taken a picture of a cat and forwarded to everyone I know. I've never typed the phrase 'OMG! the cat is being so cute right now!'
i guess...
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I've always found myself to be a total outsider on the Internet. I have no love for cats. I don't think they're cute, or cool. I've never taken a picture of a cat and forwarded to everyone I know. I've never typed the phrase 'OMG! the cat is being so cute right now!'
i guess...
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i have a cat... he's an asshole.. most of the time he just begs for food, and licks his funstick...
I, unfortunatly, live with my grandmother. She thinks her cordless phone is a cell phone, whenever my parents go to a store she tells me they went to brooklyn, everytime I make coffee (which is pretty much every morning) she says "You like your coffee huh? I don't drink coffee anymore. I drink tea. Your grandfather liked cofffee.", everytime I see her she says "We have to stop meeting like this", she doesn't kow how to use the remote...she's always turning off her TV and asking me to put it back on, everytime I make hot dogs she tells me a story about how she ate 4 hot dogs in one day and had to go to the hospital, she's got about 4 stories that are on constant rotation...but yeah, I love her and what-not.
I'm adding you as a friend!

I'm adding you as a friend!
i love your profile pic by the way.. .the old comodore 64 was the first puter we had in the house awhen i was a kid! memories of the smurf game....
i say what's up with that....i'm a nerd.
i am right there with you about the sg thing....finally some people who are understanding... Lucha is like us...
I remember reading a post by SG Fractal....her theory was that it was a shaved monkey.
You'll be missed.