One of my favourite things about South Western Ontario is that in June, the sun sets at 9:30. The whole process takes about 3 hours, and there's no better weather for lawn chairs.
Ask your local candidates about their position on sunsets and then vote what your heart tells you.
Actually, I don't give a shit what you vote, as long as you do it. This federal election is the biggest thing to happen to Canadian politics since Jean Chretien took his throne.
I can understand why turnout was low during the Crietien governments, it was close to unopposed.
There are those in this country who think JC's term as Prime Minister was actually annointed by God. His voice in Canada or something.
Mr Chretien governed by will and whim. How else can his near infalibility and invulnerability be explained?
But now, Canadians have been given the free will to choose the way to are governed. So do it.
That goes for you Americans, too.
I was arguing with my friend that if the US was going to insist on being the world leader, spearhead, and savior, all nations of the world should reprasent at the Electoral College. Canada gets a few votes, the UK, Somlia.
It's only fair.
Did anyone see Mikael Gorbachev talking to Ted Koppell? Good stuff. He had a few words to say about GWB's agenda in the Middle East. He was able to draw some easy parallels, and as a guy who lead the Soviet Union, he has first hand experience.
(Puttin' the activism back into apathy in Oh-four. Don't worry, the whining will resume.)
Ask your local candidates about their position on sunsets and then vote what your heart tells you.
Actually, I don't give a shit what you vote, as long as you do it. This federal election is the biggest thing to happen to Canadian politics since Jean Chretien took his throne.
I can understand why turnout was low during the Crietien governments, it was close to unopposed.
There are those in this country who think JC's term as Prime Minister was actually annointed by God. His voice in Canada or something.
Mr Chretien governed by will and whim. How else can his near infalibility and invulnerability be explained?
But now, Canadians have been given the free will to choose the way to are governed. So do it.
That goes for you Americans, too.
I was arguing with my friend that if the US was going to insist on being the world leader, spearhead, and savior, all nations of the world should reprasent at the Electoral College. Canada gets a few votes, the UK, Somlia.
It's only fair.
Did anyone see Mikael Gorbachev talking to Ted Koppell? Good stuff. He had a few words to say about GWB's agenda in the Middle East. He was able to draw some easy parallels, and as a guy who lead the Soviet Union, he has first hand experience.
(Puttin' the activism back into apathy in Oh-four. Don't worry, the whining will resume.)
I am in total culture shock here. I would cut off my right arm for a three hour sunset on a lawn chair in my folks' Ancaster backyard.