okay, we're playing a townie bar in a small recently annexed community tonight. it used to be a town, now it's just a shitty suburb.
lambeth. ick.
oh well. it's like getting paid to practice. and a chance to work on our heckle come-backs.
waddya y'all doing tonight?
i'm done the show. it wasn't really a show. it seems that it was more of an open mic night. except that we were expected to bring the mic. whatever. i had fun. and that's all that matters.
i wish you were all my closer personal friends. where i could call you, and shit. i'd love to call someone right now.
lambeth. ick.
oh well. it's like getting paid to practice. and a chance to work on our heckle come-backs.
waddya y'all doing tonight?
i'm done the show. it wasn't really a show. it seems that it was more of an open mic night. except that we were expected to bring the mic. whatever. i had fun. and that's all that matters.
i wish you were all my closer personal friends. where i could call you, and shit. i'd love to call someone right now.
*heads out for that very special concoction - gravy and cheese*