I meant out as in end of transmission, NOT ABORT MISSION!!!

there are so many things left to be done. --dont panic.
taken from the book SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER - Kerry Kennedy
-He said, "Do you accept that we are stronger than you?
I said, "Only to the extent that you have the police, the army. But my ideas are stronger than yours. What I am fighting for is greater than what you are trying to protect."
He said, "In that case you have to die"-
i have just been momentarily in between two locked doors so not much could be done except throwing socks at premeditated areas at shapes on the walls.
all in All weathered from the storm that quickly then gradually then suddenly shifted directions inwards. I said, loud or silenced in warning If you shoot me down i hope you fucking aim at me both. And they tried. Half a miss. I am a hobblin little i dont know wearin that dirty old dress that rots apart a little more the more the days are set with a decaying set of wings i found in a puddle in a rainstorm next to an empty bus stop and i remembered what shone with what stars and we were happy, we who didnt know each others faces or anything of that material matter. but if you know the outcome and you read the book anyway, well what a waste of time that feels like. You just have to walk quicker to avoid the forever catastrophic tumblings of towers.. concrete and brick smashing like a warzone wanting to shatter bone all because of poorly constructed and half assed built skyscrapers. Metaphorically speaking or so. I am a rabbit. Feed me things. And then i was fed and fed and fed and stars and swirls and i didnt get the answers i was hoping for until a phone call came and just to hear that voice it wasnt hidden it was just a little farther away. the fireworks were high and i was lost in this fucked up city it goes up and down and in swirls and sideways til it felt like i was in sensory deprevation chambers for a good amount of time to not remember what was what before and the ground was shaking and well i guess it was i who was sitting on boomboom letting the lackluster vibrations fall into dreams. the sun came and i felt like somehow the end of the world had happend and i wasnt left the note because the entirety was quiet and there was no sign of life.
Little dog has gone feral because i dont particulary listen to the advice of domination and she rips pieces off me growling in defiance and that blue thing that attaches me to her so i bring her somewhere that is nice and she will chase her tail and dig holes for bugs and she will feel better. I get her little pack spirit so i dont try to break it like most owners do even as she rips ladies handbags apart with a wry smile and chases her tail into traffic. its funny, it is, but i couldnt lose her to that sort of system line.
One (1) garbage.
One (1) pita.
Girl, Rabbit, Dog, Happy.

there are so many things left to be done. --dont panic.
taken from the book SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER - Kerry Kennedy
-He said, "Do you accept that we are stronger than you?
I said, "Only to the extent that you have the police, the army. But my ideas are stronger than yours. What I am fighting for is greater than what you are trying to protect."
He said, "In that case you have to die"-
i have just been momentarily in between two locked doors so not much could be done except throwing socks at premeditated areas at shapes on the walls.

all in All weathered from the storm that quickly then gradually then suddenly shifted directions inwards. I said, loud or silenced in warning If you shoot me down i hope you fucking aim at me both. And they tried. Half a miss. I am a hobblin little i dont know wearin that dirty old dress that rots apart a little more the more the days are set with a decaying set of wings i found in a puddle in a rainstorm next to an empty bus stop and i remembered what shone with what stars and we were happy, we who didnt know each others faces or anything of that material matter. but if you know the outcome and you read the book anyway, well what a waste of time that feels like. You just have to walk quicker to avoid the forever catastrophic tumblings of towers.. concrete and brick smashing like a warzone wanting to shatter bone all because of poorly constructed and half assed built skyscrapers. Metaphorically speaking or so. I am a rabbit. Feed me things. And then i was fed and fed and fed and stars and swirls and i didnt get the answers i was hoping for until a phone call came and just to hear that voice it wasnt hidden it was just a little farther away. the fireworks were high and i was lost in this fucked up city it goes up and down and in swirls and sideways til it felt like i was in sensory deprevation chambers for a good amount of time to not remember what was what before and the ground was shaking and well i guess it was i who was sitting on boomboom letting the lackluster vibrations fall into dreams. the sun came and i felt like somehow the end of the world had happend and i wasnt left the note because the entirety was quiet and there was no sign of life.
Little dog has gone feral because i dont particulary listen to the advice of domination and she rips pieces off me growling in defiance and that blue thing that attaches me to her so i bring her somewhere that is nice and she will chase her tail and dig holes for bugs and she will feel better. I get her little pack spirit so i dont try to break it like most owners do even as she rips ladies handbags apart with a wry smile and chases her tail into traffic. its funny, it is, but i couldnt lose her to that sort of system line.
One (1) garbage.
One (1) pita.
Girl, Rabbit, Dog, Happy.
Je taime!