run run run! the train comes while were sleeping awake to sunshine and the warmest day i have seen yet this year. we fight the law and the law wins... again. No walkietalkies so i can walk free as I feel without them knowing they should have taken me. bahahahaa we say and my fine that i could never pay anyway will see the end of its days as the toilet paper that it is.
The trucker goes in between trying to weasel our bodies one by one. No attention given. We walk away 3 hours difference and then I dont know where I am. A few `what city am i in?` and a few crazed looks. first bus stop I see and am happy that I made it. Cats eating dog food with big heads. Rude motherfuckin city!!! Traffic at night. Laundry and Shawarma pawn shops and all sorts of other things that make up a street with no meaning if you watch. I think of termites and daddylonglegs and how flowers grow in fastforward motion. Chewing tadpoles. TimHortons for some marvelous crack in an unrecyclable cup. Grown next to tabacco fields i taste. Friends! Yes. We go stumblin and I say HEY Look at that pack of Small Dogs comin to attack us!! Closer closer and 3 rabid raccoons foaming. Im laughing soo much excitment as they battle it out and we run around not quite sure if I should play too or run from infectious teeth. Down a street and he is breaking all the mirrors off cars and she runs away but its all slumber in the end as I stare a turtle in the eye. INK. inkinkink. inkinkink. 2 feathers that are long. My favourite tattoo person kicks motherfucking ass. And, well, he doesnt say anything while I scream.
DO go here if you are ever in the smogy city area: ]BLACKLINES I get to watch his sleeve get darker and i think of sharks. Im somewhere at sometime and the city has a Miami haze the sun coming up and skyscrapers remind me of beaches but you definatly can not swim here. I dont think an amoeba of life lives in that water. Quebec has succeeded much better in conservation. But much better doesnt mean perfect. More green.
Ohhh theres an over here too and I get a phonecall YOUR PUPPY WAS BORN very early I hear so im on a 5am bus with a broken tailbone yellin at tourists who walk slow. POPPOP two shots i keep stare at the cracks in the pavement that get faster as rubber speeds away. I dunno where I want to live. Why do i have to choose just one spot. Life`s tough. Warmer weather I feel it at the tip of my tongue. Almost. The legal system is too slow. Stupid invisible line. Stupid capitalism. You should buy the tshirt, yeah. And especially the rubber bracelet. ONLY THEN, will we attain world peace and reap the benefits of a sinless life. Polluted rotting fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this dance and wear wierd shit movement is starting to make me hate you or the other way around. And the concept of people going to these things to bring people home. It is all really too high over my head. secret cameras and flash flash flash. Where to people put those fucking things? I managed to get one.

One of me an Mulot stumbly visual induced bathroom lining everywheres by sweet girl MaryJane, one of those doll lookin pretties]
We sometimes knock down people on snowshoes while i make them afraid ill puke on them.
But HERE is one i like better that DUSO took. (he just became excited to have credit) Im in there.

I think thats it.
ohhh ohh yeah and dont take fake armory through customs??? Apparently their not too keen on that
The trucker goes in between trying to weasel our bodies one by one. No attention given. We walk away 3 hours difference and then I dont know where I am. A few `what city am i in?` and a few crazed looks. first bus stop I see and am happy that I made it. Cats eating dog food with big heads. Rude motherfuckin city!!! Traffic at night. Laundry and Shawarma pawn shops and all sorts of other things that make up a street with no meaning if you watch. I think of termites and daddylonglegs and how flowers grow in fastforward motion. Chewing tadpoles. TimHortons for some marvelous crack in an unrecyclable cup. Grown next to tabacco fields i taste. Friends! Yes. We go stumblin and I say HEY Look at that pack of Small Dogs comin to attack us!! Closer closer and 3 rabid raccoons foaming. Im laughing soo much excitment as they battle it out and we run around not quite sure if I should play too or run from infectious teeth. Down a street and he is breaking all the mirrors off cars and she runs away but its all slumber in the end as I stare a turtle in the eye. INK. inkinkink. inkinkink. 2 feathers that are long. My favourite tattoo person kicks motherfucking ass. And, well, he doesnt say anything while I scream.
DO go here if you are ever in the smogy city area: ]BLACKLINES I get to watch his sleeve get darker and i think of sharks. Im somewhere at sometime and the city has a Miami haze the sun coming up and skyscrapers remind me of beaches but you definatly can not swim here. I dont think an amoeba of life lives in that water. Quebec has succeeded much better in conservation. But much better doesnt mean perfect. More green.
Ohhh theres an over here too and I get a phonecall YOUR PUPPY WAS BORN very early I hear so im on a 5am bus with a broken tailbone yellin at tourists who walk slow. POPPOP two shots i keep stare at the cracks in the pavement that get faster as rubber speeds away. I dunno where I want to live. Why do i have to choose just one spot. Life`s tough. Warmer weather I feel it at the tip of my tongue. Almost. The legal system is too slow. Stupid invisible line. Stupid capitalism. You should buy the tshirt, yeah. And especially the rubber bracelet. ONLY THEN, will we attain world peace and reap the benefits of a sinless life. Polluted rotting fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this dance and wear wierd shit movement is starting to make me hate you or the other way around. And the concept of people going to these things to bring people home. It is all really too high over my head. secret cameras and flash flash flash. Where to people put those fucking things? I managed to get one.

One of me an Mulot stumbly visual induced bathroom lining everywheres by sweet girl MaryJane, one of those doll lookin pretties]

But HERE is one i like better that DUSO took. (he just became excited to have credit) Im in there.

I think thats it.
ohhh ohh yeah and dont take fake armory through customs??? Apparently their not too keen on that
All I can say is, me too.
I've never met anyone who travels who doesn't do so in part due to addiction of some kind.
And somehow this stops me from leaving-
having no faith in humans.
Tell me, do you know anyone, have you met anyone, or are you one of those people I've never met or heard of?