So wandering around in the snowflakes, I decided to throw myself into some sort of government assistance.
Id seen the building, and the people huddled outside of it, the lost and found box always already raided, so i took the elevator up. Im passing all these signs, wondering where the welfare office might be hiding, and end up asking the Janitor. "Youre standing in front of it" oh. A big blue sign saying "Social Assistance." whaat? is that supposed to be funny?
So, after the 1 week scavenger hunt they send you on, and prying into every aspect of your personal life, I get a check. WHOOP. So, after gorging my face with delicious foods I always want to eat, I went out in search of somewhere to live.
With all the money given to me, there is not one apartment that I can afford. Not even a room. Not even a hotel for random stays. What kind of help is this shit? Thank you, Government of Canada. You just carry on pretending to be the states, bombing people across the world, giving hockey players multimillion dollar salaries, and dont any of you worry about lil ol me. Back to the drawing board.
There is a HUGE rediculous difference in my life. You should see what eating good food is like. I feel like a completly different person. I have energy and thoughts are more clear. What a difference eating good food makes.
Theres a really fucking wicked girl coming onto the site, I dont know what name she has picked out but you better believe we will be dirtying it up a bit more on here. We were hungry. Mouse took three random cans and put them into a pot. Chicken noodle soup, strange squares of what is supposed to be vegetables but is really just cubes of orange and green, and a tin of cat food. I couldnt even begin to explain it, but the night ended, as morning came, with us dancing to Bikini Kill with cans of peas on our heads.
If you remember, I wrote some words almost exaclty a year ago, and its featured with some new photos taken last night.
You can see them at this website :
Lapin Junkies
Heres a sneaky preview

Id seen the building, and the people huddled outside of it, the lost and found box always already raided, so i took the elevator up. Im passing all these signs, wondering where the welfare office might be hiding, and end up asking the Janitor. "Youre standing in front of it" oh. A big blue sign saying "Social Assistance." whaat? is that supposed to be funny?
So, after the 1 week scavenger hunt they send you on, and prying into every aspect of your personal life, I get a check. WHOOP. So, after gorging my face with delicious foods I always want to eat, I went out in search of somewhere to live.
With all the money given to me, there is not one apartment that I can afford. Not even a room. Not even a hotel for random stays. What kind of help is this shit? Thank you, Government of Canada. You just carry on pretending to be the states, bombing people across the world, giving hockey players multimillion dollar salaries, and dont any of you worry about lil ol me. Back to the drawing board.
There is a HUGE rediculous difference in my life. You should see what eating good food is like. I feel like a completly different person. I have energy and thoughts are more clear. What a difference eating good food makes.
Theres a really fucking wicked girl coming onto the site, I dont know what name she has picked out but you better believe we will be dirtying it up a bit more on here. We were hungry. Mouse took three random cans and put them into a pot. Chicken noodle soup, strange squares of what is supposed to be vegetables but is really just cubes of orange and green, and a tin of cat food. I couldnt even begin to explain it, but the night ended, as morning came, with us dancing to Bikini Kill with cans of peas on our heads.
If you remember, I wrote some words almost exaclty a year ago, and its featured with some new photos taken last night.
You can see them at this website :
Lapin Junkies
Heres a sneaky preview

travel your way out of there dude!!!
Eating well is a good thing. Times are ripe for transformation with Pluto coming into Capricorn. A new Age is dawning and I'm sure good things are coming your way.