This spring, my sphynx cat, Hera (abbr. From Hertrude; the initial G instead of H is also correct), gave birth to kittens. Two girls and two boys. The process was pretty quick, easy...and kinda curious, as I learned that it had started already when the cat had started making the life-giving magic under the covers next to me early in the morning :) During the...
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The beginning of the following year turned was quite complicated and painful for me. The stories are deeply personal ... but the result of all them turned out to be both prosaic (for someone) and bitter (for me), as I violated loyalty to my beliefs and ideals in the name of self-preservation. I know SG is a country of positive, joy, love and peace, and...
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Today is my Birthday day, which I, actually, prefer not to celebrate in many reasons and ways. Usually on such days I hide virtually from everyone who are trying to call me or write me or congratulate me in any way. Maybe it’s because of me feeling this day as a usual one. Maybe it’s because of me being shy. But the tendency increases each
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Outer nature reflects the inner one. The more love you mentally share the world around you, the more love you may be gifted as a feedback. Even a tiny butterfly, which seems to be an unconsciousness one and have too short lifetime to enjoy the world but does in though, can be a living sign of the world's soul reaches out to you in return....
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I haven't written any news for some time, so maybe it's the right topic created by gorgeous @rambo and @missy to fix the thing.
SG land gave birth to lots of charming, magical girls...too much for me to be able to choose one. So let it be...four. At least. With a little bonus at the end of today's story.
1. @dimarti. Of course I can't...
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As some you know, I love taking photos as well as posing and crafting (and many, many other things else, too...). Let me share some recent shots with you in my blogpost. The model here is young Nadiia, 18 y.o. daughter of my university teacher, young and pure, creative, tender and fully magical. She became a true embodiment of the spring blossoming, and the shots...
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I've been thinking about writing on such topic for a couple of months, and thanks to amazing @rambo and @missy for they to create another one Blog Homework task with the ability to share something about the people there.
Can you recognize that little girl near the piano? I was born in 1991, the year of ending the Soviet era and the very beginning of
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As always, I'm thankful to @rambo & @missy for their bright creativity about everything, not just about BH topics. And I'll be rather short in today's post.
Rainy or snowy weather is a brilliant addition in creating the atmosphere, needed mod and inspiration. That's why I prefer spending my free time with reading, painting and creating something, if speaking about the indoor activities. Playing the
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As you may have noticed, last several months I have so much sets appeared in MR. And much my outdoors sets are somehow connected with water or include the marine passage...which may seems a common deal, but it is not so in some ways.
Some my sets are connected with each others by small symbols, such as a tiny bug or creature on pictures, or
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