A few days ago I had a birthday. One of my favorite photographers sent me this photo with me. He did not conceive it as a birthday present, but at the same time he made my day in the most sincere sense. In a few hours, a new year will come in our country, so the photo will be doubly symbolic.

Each of us is haunted by internal demons, to a greater or lesser extent, we notice them and somehow react to the fact itself. I learned to notice them from childhood, I am friends with my demons, I accept them. However, let our demons give us light, too. Please do not hide from the world by hiding behind your demons. Love and accept your dark sides, learn to control them, so as not to violate the boundaries of another's personal space and not risk your own as well. I myself understand how difficult it is. How hard it is for people to come to accept the fact that they may feel bad, that they or their close peoplemay have depression or anything else that is connected with this, and the existing speculation on it... Accept yourself, but try to become better in order to be worthy of the best. Be able to analyze what you want and what you need for other to be able to help you with that. Please, let be helpful, patient and supportive. We mustn't always be right and "good", that is a sort of too idealistic ephemeral thing, and we feel alive when something is not ideal, not only when we are absolutely happy.
Let 2020 be a truly magical for all of us.
Open your eyes and your heart on the way to new beginnings.
Thank you all for being.
Love you deeply.
P.S. I want to say so much to all of you, and I’m overwhelmed with so many feelings, thoughts and experiences which, when combined, give rise to so many overlapping themes, and in the end there are too many words describing them, and finally the text might be too big, so...it's better to put an end here. Thank you all and see you in the new year!
Let 2020 be a truly magical for all of us.
Open your eyes and your heart on the way to new beginnings.
Thank you all for being.
Love you deeply.
P.S. I want to say so much to all of you, and I’m overwhelmed with so many feelings, thoughts and experiences which, when combined, give rise to so many overlapping themes, and in the end there are too many words describing them, and finally the text might be too big, so...it's better to put an end here. Thank you all and see you in the new year!
You are truly wise and very insightful (if that's even a word). Happy belated birthday, Happy New Year and may fortune bring you all the right things and few of the wrong. Love you too 💋💕💐
nice pic 💙