Missed me?..
(Absolutely not mine sort of quiestion, but at least I tried :D )
I brought you some presents, you know... Just look through this blog post and you'll find them ;-)
Winter has come finally. Her majesty may seem cold-blooded and grim, but only for those who dare to look into Her soul She will show much more... And one of Her festive spirits has a special meaning - here, in my blog post.
In our post-Soviet countries the New Year celebration and preparings is still as popular as Christmas in other countries; both holidays can easily compete in their affection on us, as both of them are ways to the fairytale dreamy world. The New Year embodiment, Father Frost, is originally spelled in Russian as "Ded Moroz", which is quite similar to Dead Morose and, thus, the kind and lovely image easily turns into a horrible spirit... But since we have some time before the New Year starts, let me participate a little as our Father Frost's little helper, the Granddaughter. Just for three tiny moments...
1. @orleana , Back to Beginning , goes up in ~1 week.
This time we decide to make something simple. A lovely story about a girl in shorts walking along the grassy beach near the lakes. Just Jana's beauty, sweet mood and the feeling of home, as the shooting took part not far from her native home in Ukraine. And one more fact: we've made it in the same right place when the very first shooting of Jana as SGH has taken place! That affected on the set's name as much as her very presence there, on her native land. Hope you'll like it when you see it.
2. @inadequatedreamer , a dangerous fortune , goes up in ~2 months.
One day I offered Nika to join the SG community and learned that she had been dreaming about that for a long time. We both had our personal reasons for that - artistic ones, experience, cooperation skills or simple "Why not?", and mostly we got the same thinking. And, what makes me even more confinent now in our affair, is the fact that this girlie has a strict meaning about her nude photos. "If it exists, let it be, I won't let go of my dream and I'm not going to remove this picture out of my life book". Thus, we're getting used to each other, we try to create a little portfolio for her and show her beauty more and more. The first set will show you a story about a dreamy girl reading a book while being on a rivershore and enjoying her wine. And what's about a set's name origin?.. It is deeply connected with the book she's reading, and you will learn it when you see the set ;-)
3. Me, @aonbheannach , Celtic Forest , goes up in ~2 months.
The third gift is not only from me, but also with me. It's the third dedication to Autumn as well :-) A little introduction to a huge hiddem magic, which surely is out-of-camera. And here's a little secret: due to this set I finally learned why my photographer prefers converting RAW-files into TIF, as he just can't fight with the excessive noise while toning the first ones :D And, despite my usual self-criticizing mood (with thoughts like "I could perform better and allow the photographer to do more good shots, and I'm afraid of the mentioned noise and so ooon", which is not useful here but I just can't help it), I do really hope that you will appreciate this colourful, dark, moody and long-expected set, taking into account the date of my latest one's appearing on MR .
P.S. Thank you for all your support and interest. Und übrigens alles Gute an Nikolaustag, liebe Deutsche und diejenigen, die diesen Feiertag ab dem 6. Dezember feiern!
There are so many interesting topics for blog homework, by the way! So later, perhaps, I will take one of them and write a little about the winter holidays in our countries as a whole, not only separately. Ah, these traditions...
And how's your winter plans and expectations?.. Share them, speak out if you want. I'll be glad to read them.