Outer nature reflects the inner one. The more love you mentally share the world around you, the more love you may be gifted as a feedback. Even a tiny butterfly, which seems to be an unconsciousness one and have too short lifetime to enjoy the world but does in though, can be a living sign of the world's soul reaches out to you in return.
I have chosen the photo above as the picture for today's BH post as a simple example of Love existing in everything and everyone. It has lots of faces, names and ways to emerge, it doesn't correlate with the time and space. Touching the butterfly (or the moth) used to be my big dream for quite long. A symbolic harmless unity of Giant Mind (human) and Tiny Tenderness (the butterfly), just several seconds of the world around keeping silence and a strong belief in the miracle appeared in simplicity and happened at once - with you - that forces you. You may chose any other variant of such simple miracles, but all of them will be united with the Truth Idea. And one of those Truth sides will tell you that you have enough power, not just to show it or test it, not just to improve your might and dominion...you have a much more valuable power to share Love, mighty and gentle at the same time, a power to be free of all that forces you not to be in that Love stream and not to feel it through yourself.
You are a great God for the physical world that embraces you. And you are just a wee butterfly in the mental univerce glowing inside and outside you. But at the same time, you realize the hidden enormous might of your minute wings move.
So the magic is.
@rambo @missy
Wise child. P.S. How that blog is not in the main Best Of SG feed yet?..
😍😍😍 Beautiful