1. Do you like bleu cheese? - Sure. Green, blue, soft... lots of tasty and a bit weird cheese species.
2. Coke or Pepsi? - Pepsi is preferable (or any of these with zero kcal)
3. Do you own a gun? - Nope, it's not so easy to be legal in my state ;)
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? - Haven't tried it yet...
5. What do you think of hot dogs? - I eat them kinda rare, but hot, spicy and not too oily
6. Favorite TV show? - M.A.S.H and any funny ComedyClub-like stuff I use to listein (and not to watch to) while working
7. Favorite Movie? There are just too much of them; if you want me to watch smth with you, just pick up some weird psychological, art or scary thing.
8. What do you drink in the morning? - Water, coffee; sometimes it can be some energy drink, non-alcohol or low-alcohol.
9. Can you do a push up? - Some kinds of it.
10 Favorite jewelry? - Silver, ethnic or symbolic handmade things; I use lots of mines, both for everyday or for shooting.
11. Favorite hobbies? - Gaming, movies, art stuff, time with animals.
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? - Each of us has at least just a bit of it.
13. Do you wear glasses? - Nope. And somewhy I don't love them on me :)
14. Favorite cartoon character? That han from Moana, birs from Mermaid and some more.
15. Three things I did today? - Post-processing the art set, meeting with the girl whose wedding I am to shoot, playing some Tekken to take a short pause between the work stages.
\(number 16 is missed out somewhy, so you can ask anything in the comments or on ask.fm/maggoth )\
\(number 16 is missed out somewhy, so you can ask anything in the comments or on ask.fm/maggoth )\
17. Three things you drink regularly? - Coffee, tea, some energy drinks. Of course, water doesn't need to be mebtioned :)
18. Current dislike? - The need to go somewhere because my sphynx cat is sleeping so sweetly on my knees.
19. Favorite place to go? - Best friend's house, some pubs in Lviv and Kyiv, Dirigeable time-cafe.
20. How did you ring in the New Year? - Avoiding strangers and relatives attention. Drinking, sleeping... Being secret.
21. Where would you like to go? - Noril'sk (the Russian city), abandoned places and towns, islands (to look for smth interesting and try some rare fruits), Australia (to meet the rare and weird animald and to become friends with them)... lots of places.
23. Favorite color? - Lots of them. It's easier to say I love black and white, as Alpha and Omega of colour stream.
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? - I like sleeping on the floor with smth like a cushion under my head, to be honest :)
25. Can you whistle? - Nope.
26. What are you doing right now? - Fulfilling this list and drinking coffee.
27. Would you be a pirate? - Maybe. For a short time. A real pirate.
28. Favorite food? - Ice cream, some kinds of porridge, some soups. Smth spicy or creamy.
29. Last thing that made you laugh? My cat's morning gym :)
30. Last time you recieved flowers? - Few years ago; I prefer living flowers, it's sad for me to see how the bouquet is duing (except the cases when it is a needed thing, like the shooting stuff)
31. Most recent injury? - The aching legs after the Die Antwoord concert party.
32. How many pets are in your house? - 2 now, a sphynx cat and a spider. And lots of street ones and Mommy's cats :)
33. Worst pain ever? - Being helpless while seing the other feels the real suffer.
34. Do you like to dance? - Feel shy, but sometimes I do (and that being shy matches perfectly with my PJ experience, haha)
35. Are your parents still alive? - Yep.
36. Do you love your life? - Sure. The other things I feel about it should stay in secret, though.
37. Summer or Winter? - Winter is preferable (but I love summer fruitful nature :) )
38. How many grandchildren do you have? - None.
39. Car or Van? - Can I say just walking?.. Car, if not.
40. People Person? - ...well, let me remain the secret of that.

The questions are a fun thumbnail sketch of a person.