The current blog homework is promising to be short and laconic. Thanks for the topic to @rambo and @missy , as usual.
- Time for yourself. Have a couple of hours for yourself per day. Play videogames, take care of your appearance, walk, read... Just do anything for your mood and inner feeling of happiness. The stronger the mental health, the stronger the whole you.
- Sport. Any one, professional or "domestic", stretching or just active dancing, every day or at least once or twice a week. And having sex, of course. Your body will "feel" more live while you train it, your muscles will keep the nice work, and you will look younger. Take care of your flesh to make your soul cage be more comfortable. Inspite of your body type - skinny, curvy, chubby, fit, anything - just love yourself, and force your love with some sports.
- Wonderful relationship. Not just positive, as some of us prefer a bit of inner pain which reveals the artistic feature of the soul, and another ones love being alone and have no lovers (constant or temporary). Just let yourself have what you think you really deserve - at least, during the current lifeperiod of yours. This affects your health more than you can imagine.
And, of course, I could add something about food you eat, clothing you wear and so on... But I think you know what is good foy you better than me. And if you don't... The advice of mine is one and only. Learn listeining to yourself, your body, heart, mind and soul. This doesn't mean you should be a total egoist, of course. This just means the fact that you need to know yourself much more better if you want to be useful for yourself.
P.S. A thematic picture from one of my latest sets. I didn't feel cold and didn't get ill. Not just because I trained my body to overcome the low temperature, but, maybe, also due to the fact that I id what I liked to do. :-)