This time tomorrow, I will have a new tattoo. Whee! I am going to be all psyched all day tomorrow.
I bought the most glam rock jeans ever today. They are Miss Sixty (for those of you whom that means anything to) and they have a huge sequined lightning bolt patch on them. Way rad. One of these days I'll master my sister's fancy digital camera and get some pics for you people.
I also saw the Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino and my sugar daddy Jeremy Irons and the luscious Joseph Fiennes. So much is made of the racial issues with that play that I never noticed the complete homoerotic undertones until some (wonderful, kind) director decided to play them up like crazy here. Drool. I liked it, though I can't help wincing at some of the lines. I think they were completely responsible about it, and though you can't argue that Shakespeare was out to challenge the conventions of the times, there are some lines (the "if you prick us" speech, etc.) that are pretty anti-racist. And Portia kicks a hell of a lot of ass.
Oh, and you can make a very strong argument that Shakespeare was gay.
Or at least bisexual. Shakespeare In Love and its conventional explanation for the young boy and cross-dressing lust be damned.
I am going to sleep now to dream of hot Joseph Fiennes on Jeremy Irons action. Fucking film, what a tease.
I bought the most glam rock jeans ever today. They are Miss Sixty (for those of you whom that means anything to) and they have a huge sequined lightning bolt patch on them. Way rad. One of these days I'll master my sister's fancy digital camera and get some pics for you people.
I also saw the Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino and my sugar daddy Jeremy Irons and the luscious Joseph Fiennes. So much is made of the racial issues with that play that I never noticed the complete homoerotic undertones until some (wonderful, kind) director decided to play them up like crazy here. Drool. I liked it, though I can't help wincing at some of the lines. I think they were completely responsible about it, and though you can't argue that Shakespeare was out to challenge the conventions of the times, there are some lines (the "if you prick us" speech, etc.) that are pretty anti-racist. And Portia kicks a hell of a lot of ass.
Oh, and you can make a very strong argument that Shakespeare was gay.

I am going to sleep now to dream of hot Joseph Fiennes on Jeremy Irons action. Fucking film, what a tease.
You have to post a pic of the tattoo when it is done!