Forget my bitching and moaning.
I just went to see The Sea Inside and it swept away all of my shitty feelings. Then I took a walk around the plaza and breathed cold rain sea air and thought about the things I've got to be thankful for and the things that I really want, and the best ways to go about getting them.
And of course, the one realization I always come back to is that to get love, you must give love.
Anyway, good movie. Left me feeling very peaceful.
Downloaded the White Stripes' "Jolene" cover and Lou Reed's "Walk on the Wild Side," (used to have the CD, got stolen) and now I'm watching Strangers on a Train and just enjoying not feeling like scrambling at things for a while.
I just went to see The Sea Inside and it swept away all of my shitty feelings. Then I took a walk around the plaza and breathed cold rain sea air and thought about the things I've got to be thankful for and the things that I really want, and the best ways to go about getting them.
And of course, the one realization I always come back to is that to get love, you must give love.
Anyway, good movie. Left me feeling very peaceful.
Downloaded the White Stripes' "Jolene" cover and Lou Reed's "Walk on the Wild Side," (used to have the CD, got stolen) and now I'm watching Strangers on a Train and just enjoying not feeling like scrambling at things for a while.

Starngers on a Trian....

I've heard some good things about that movie. I'm definitley going to have to see it.