My stomach and I are not getting along well. Sick day today. I didn't want to take one--I need the cash, yo. Not to mention, being sick actively sucks. Least I sat down and watched the Lydia Lunch DVD. Not so impressed. Can't wait for the Lucero movie, though.
On a serious quest for a specific pair of jeans. I am a way obsessive shopper. I am thoroughly convinced that these jeans will make my life better. Or they will just show off my kickboxing ass and thighs. Another couple of weeks and I may really mourn the loss of miniskirt season. I really love my ass right now.
Ego off. Well, sorta.
J. called me today. Always nice to know that you can start talking to a guy from way back when, go visit him, realize you still have the chemistry you used to have (plus a lack of the inhibitions we had back in high school) and make out like teenagers in the bar, on the street corner waiting for the cab, in the cab on the way home, in the kitchen, then have rather awkward drunk sex, and still want to talk to each other afterwards. I mean, girl floats into town for a few days, you hook up, then she leaves--how many guys really call you again just to chat? Let alone suggest that they might come visit? I wouldn't recommend that, though. This place is boring. Witness my deep attachment to my NHL package. Oh, Alex Tanguay, you remind me not to settle for ugly and lame boys. I blame last winter's idiocy entirely on the lack of hockey.
My mother made chocolate cupcakes. If my stomach didn't hate me right now I'd be a much happier girl.
Off to polish up my review of that Lydia DVD and then to bed early. I am such a lame ass.
editing because this made me laugh: One in Three Has Bought a Book Just to Look Intelligent I KNEW all of those kids hadn't really read all those Pahlaniuk books. Of course, this is rich coming from the girl who got picked up by the guy who works at Barnes & Noble--but half the time I was buying dipshit magazines from him. He just liked my tits. And I'm also the girl who read Les Miserables cover to cover at age 9.
I'll stop making fun of people now and get back to reading Middlesex. What? It's trendy too? But it's so fucking goood....
On a serious quest for a specific pair of jeans. I am a way obsessive shopper. I am thoroughly convinced that these jeans will make my life better. Or they will just show off my kickboxing ass and thighs. Another couple of weeks and I may really mourn the loss of miniskirt season. I really love my ass right now.
Ego off. Well, sorta.
J. called me today. Always nice to know that you can start talking to a guy from way back when, go visit him, realize you still have the chemistry you used to have (plus a lack of the inhibitions we had back in high school) and make out like teenagers in the bar, on the street corner waiting for the cab, in the cab on the way home, in the kitchen, then have rather awkward drunk sex, and still want to talk to each other afterwards. I mean, girl floats into town for a few days, you hook up, then she leaves--how many guys really call you again just to chat? Let alone suggest that they might come visit? I wouldn't recommend that, though. This place is boring. Witness my deep attachment to my NHL package. Oh, Alex Tanguay, you remind me not to settle for ugly and lame boys. I blame last winter's idiocy entirely on the lack of hockey.
My mother made chocolate cupcakes. If my stomach didn't hate me right now I'd be a much happier girl.
Off to polish up my review of that Lydia DVD and then to bed early. I am such a lame ass.
editing because this made me laugh: One in Three Has Bought a Book Just to Look Intelligent I KNEW all of those kids hadn't really read all those Pahlaniuk books. Of course, this is rich coming from the girl who got picked up by the guy who works at Barnes & Noble--but half the time I was buying dipshit magazines from him. He just liked my tits. And I'm also the girl who read Les Miserables cover to cover at age 9.
I'll stop making fun of people now and get back to reading Middlesex. What? It's trendy too? But it's so fucking goood....

Heya, you stole my name! Can't blame ya really....oh isn't it one of the worst feelings in the world when you're sick and can't eat but your starving....choc cruel, that sucks....
I was sick myself over the weekend, hope you feel better....

Not sure when I'll be down there, but I'll definitely keep you posted!