I got pretty skirts yesterday... Hechts is starting to put censors on their stuff, which is not cool for poor people like me. It was cold today... but I slept up until an hour ago, curled up in my bed, so it didn't bother me until I went out to smoke. I'm so fucking tired it's unreal.
Mineral is a really pretty band. I'm listening to them for the first time... they remind me of someone else. I just found out that the Daughters/Sex Positions show is not until July. This is not good. There's shows every night this week that I want to go to, but I have money for none of them. Yesterday I went to the mall (again, what's wrong with me?) with Lisa and met the posse... we went to Dread Matt's and watched stand up and then I went to see my therapist. Matt proposed to me, it was cute. He gave me a Peachie-O ring. I will cherish it forever.
Thanks to everyone for the advice on my septum, I think it'd look better with a lip ring too, but I was thinking it'd be a good piercing because I could hide it from my dad, because he's a buttsmear and would most likely kick me out of the house if he saw it.
Mineral is a really pretty band. I'm listening to them for the first time... they remind me of someone else. I just found out that the Daughters/Sex Positions show is not until July. This is not good. There's shows every night this week that I want to go to, but I have money for none of them. Yesterday I went to the mall (again, what's wrong with me?) with Lisa and met the posse... we went to Dread Matt's and watched stand up and then I went to see my therapist. Matt proposed to me, it was cute. He gave me a Peachie-O ring. I will cherish it forever.
Thanks to everyone for the advice on my septum, I think it'd look better with a lip ring too, but I was thinking it'd be a good piercing because I could hide it from my dad, because he's a buttsmear and would most likely kick me out of the house if he saw it.
your dads a buttsmear huh interesting, have you ever got busted getting the cinco dedo discount?

fully agree with your comment about pot and david lynch... cant get any better, when its rainy and shitty weather i just get out my bong, get toasted and watch twin peaks....what is your fav lynch film? i done my honours project tryn to analyse the dream language of Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway, i just got lost in his surreal beautiful universe, it was so cool, yeah and the music just defies explanation, put it on, smoke up, lights out, watch the world just morph ahhh...