I really need to go and get Josh to pierce my other nipple. He pierced like 8 girls' the other day, so I think he prolly knows how to do it a little bit better now... or at least make it a LEEEETLE less painful than the right one was. I just went shopping, being poor is so fucking nice when stores don't use sensors... because I got shit I never would have been able to afford normally. I need a bigger purse though... Dude, I'm going CAMPING tomorrow with my POSSE! I think that's the coolest thing ever. Partially because I can call them my posse now. AHH... I wanna go to the Daughters/Sex Positions show at the Ottobar next month SOOOO fucking badly, I could scream. Mmm, I can't wait for California. I can't wait to get the hell out of here for more than a few days. Check out this hot picture of the posse... We are so hot... .YOU LOVE IT. I enjoy that we're all completely distracted in the picture... I am doing major laundry today... There's a buttload of clothes all over the house and I sorted most of them and I just washed the most insane amount of undies... I have SO much fucking lingerie... it's ridiculous... But... picking some out tomorrow is going to be damn fun because they'll all be there to choose from. I mean, in case anyone was wondering. My hand has been insanely itchy/asleep for like 15 minutes. I think I'm going to go do something. I
every time i die
Hope your weekend was a good one.