Mmm I'm up in RI finally! Katy and I are sitting around in our underwear eating Spaghetti-O's and dying our hairs. Hers is red and mine is black and we're bothing streaking it with pink and orange, but it doesn't seem to be working. Hopefully it will though because otherwise I will cry. I talked to that hot boy Sean and I believe I'm going to hang out with him on Monday when I come home, hopefully anyways... that will be cool. Loreal's patented highlighting wand is nothing more than a miniature toilet brush. My back hurts. We've been sitting around in our undies for a long time... Katy's mommy is so nice. I'm gonna go sit and wait because that's what life is all about, folks. Ta.

You're in RI? Sweet! I grew up in Rhode Island and I'm going back either tomorrow or Saturday to visit my family for Easter.
Oh, and, I don't know if you checked the "Post a pic of a member you think is hot" thread, but your pic came up a few times. I decided to post all the female members on my friends list, including you, but a few others posted you as well. Apparently you've got some fans!