Ugh, I'm so hungover... Imagine that... I should prolly take up a hobby so I have something else to write about here. I hate being poor... I spent half of my money for RI on alcohol, cigarettes, and gas... which I guess is what my money goes to anyways but... it sure goes fast. The purpose of a job is so... ironic. You get money to pay to get to work and... that's fucking lame. I wish I were a communist just because I hate how fucking power and fear run my life and everyone elses... but I hate everyone who bitches about this shit so I'm not going to. I met a BOY... His name is Sean and I'm going to try and see Planes Mistaken For Stars tonight with him. Ugh, I hate this phase of idealism I'm going through because the last thing I want is to seem needy but this guy could be really good for me. I am not saying this.
I cut my hairs last night... actually Sara did... I'm going to go wash it and soak in the tub because I feel like fuck.

BTW... i used to have family in Mt. Prospect, near Randhurst Nikko's still the same?
Put me back please!!
Hope you feel better and you and Sean got to see PMFS. You sound like you need something good in life. I hate being poor too- and I hate this fucking closedminded shittown I live in..