Oh god yes, she is love, she is sex. UGH. I feel really dumb right now. Because I keep crying... and there's nothing explainable wrong. I'm sick of being pathetic like this. I don't even know what to say. Will someone please come kidnap me? I'll be your fucking slave just get me the fuck out of here. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... Someone to love, and you fuck it up. How I hate these dirty words I emulate, how I hate ruining what I create. How I hate this and I hate that you don't fall for it. Save the sinner, she knows not what she's done to herself, what she's done to others.
kisses are good.....

When I get sad, I just change aspects of my life at random. As many as I can...new city, new home, new people, new life, new books, new clothes, new morning cereal, whatever...it has seemed to work so far...