Ugh hangovers fucking suck. I really hate parties, like hardcore. I realized I only go to parties ... to have sex. And when I'm not having sex, I'm not having fun. Seriously, people don't know how to cool the fuck out and just chill. I've never been to a party where someone doesn't end up crying and causing a big fucking drama. This is why I'm organizing an elite team of supreme partiers so I don't have to deal with this shit. Yesterday sucked because I wanted to roll in the park but it ended up not working out so I just... got stoned and drunk and snorted some ritalin and stuff. I smoked like 12 bowls yesterday, erring on the low side. Ugh that fucking sucks. I am so lame it hurts. Fuck I'm so tired and I just wanted to get home to sleep and everyone was hungover and retarded and it took like an hour for me to fucking leave and now I can't sleep. It's so cute, my mom wants me to come down to DC with her to look at the cherry blossoms, I've never done that. But, I slept for like 10 minutes this morning, walking seems like the most evil idea in the world. I wish I had something cool to talk about so I could impress everyone and you'd all want to be my friends. I should REALLY stop typing. Yeah, right after this sentence. Last sentence... yep I can feel it, it's coming. Ariel, shut the fuck up! The Decemberists are making me tired. I don't know if I like them. Hey, I wanna see Jesus get crucified really badly. And I also really want it to be really warm again so I can put on a bikini and run through my mickey mouse sprinkler like I used to when I was little when I was too oblivious to all the dumb shit that people do. God, Ariel... seriously dude, shut the fuck up.

you're giving up:
every time i die
as i lay dying
the black dahlia murder
!!!! I didn't know the rest of the line up!