CLICK ME IF YOU LIKE EVERY TIME I DIE! Mmm, hehe ::giggles like your little sister:: ROBY IS MY MYSPACE FRIEND! And so is Eddy. And Ariel is DRUNK. I love that fucking video SO much, I command you to click that link and watch that video because ETID fucking OWNS as much as I hate it when lame scenesters say that. I have a dilemma. I can go up to RI for a few extra days, but then I'll miss ETID... or I can stay and HOPEFULLY see them if they don't sell out, and only spend a few days in RI... I don't know what to do. I have equal affection for Rhode Island and Every Time I Die. No person should EVER have to make a decision so life-altering as this one. WHATEVER shall I do? I KNOW... I'll show you this cool picture of myself looking all ASIAN and shit. It's fucking hot, my friends. Click, click. MmmHMM... You know you love it. Mmm, it's 8:00 and my bed's calling my name. Cupcakes and Crossbones, Arielolita.

i love you more and more with each passing moment
You dont look that asian. You drive me nuts with your cuteness. Stop it!!