Mmm... I just saw Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind... it was pure shrooms. That's all I can compare the insanity to. It was amazing though, it was incredibly realistic. It's like... all the HUGE things that we think about or remember but they're awkward to verbalize so they go unsaid. I'm impressed that someone made a movie about that... or at least incorporating those elements into it. Blah blah... I'm all Ultracetty... my mom and I had a long meaningful talk over Panda Express today... over as in we talked while we ate, not talking about the food. It was nice, but combined with the drugs and the movie, it's a bit overwhelming. But suprisingly, not all that hard to sit with, which impresses me. I'm so relaxed. This feeling truely is unattainable without drugs for me though, I can never be calm without it being accompanied by some uncomfortable emotion, thus negating the calm. But if I keep talking about this, I won't be happy anymore.

Bet on Black
Enternal Sunshine is quite good without drugs too .. ecq