I'm so stoned. Hey look I took pictures in the bath last night when I was fucked up... and I had some
pictures, but I just deleted them. But... I'm still WET so that's something, right? I'm not really sure why I deleted them. I think... it's because I'M STONED muthafucka! Ted Leo is playing on Saturday. I wanna go. Who wants to go? I'M GOING TO DC DURING THE DAY TO SHOP! ::death:: Oh my shit, Urban Outfitters, here I come. I went to the dentist today! I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled...
It was really funny though, because my dentist said "they'll put you to sleep, then you wake up and get to go lay in your bed and eat ice cream and have pills," and I was just in fucking AWE. Ice cream and fucking... pain killers. SWEET ASS. I hate that expression. Yesterday was... retarded. I played dress-up wit mah girl Linzay and then went to Walmart and I stole a bunch of ribbon and got some fake lilies. I made a headban out of pink ribbon with ballerina bears and hearts. It is the cutest fucking thing since... ME. Oh shoot. And I made cute little bracelets... and got a bracelet at the dentist. I thought it was sad that I still go to the kid's dentist but there was a girl that was in her junior year of college, so I guess I'm okay for a few more years. Man ... I should stop talking.

"hey, let's have the theme be cookies! famous amos cookies! we can eat them and get naked. or just eat them."
and then i'd fall alseep.