I just gave blood. I feel cool. Because... getting blood drawn is one of my biggest fears. I feel really accomplished and stuff now. And I have a pretty purple bandage on my arm now... hot damn. Doo dee doo... it's a Friday and I don't have plans. This makes me sad. And I cry... because I'm sad. Someone come play with me. I'm in such a fucking good mood. I had an awesome trip last night... the only bad thing is I thought of too many things to remember them all... and it seems meaningless. But everything is fine... I'm not upset about the guy anymore. And I'm not suspicious of her anymore... I hope it lasts. Mmm... new picture. It looks very... me. My image of myself changes like... every week. Like, the actual image of how I look. I guess that's a pretty good representation of how I look right now. Mildy retarded. I wanna watch Clockwork Orange right now... the soundtrack is so fucking beautiful.
Red Cross never seems to want my blood, even though I'm O-negative. I've been turned down because I'd been to dirty countries, has a mild cough, etc. so i just gave up. I love the sound track to a clockwork orange. I loved the book too.
hey, i noticed you are from mt. prospect, i'm sorry