She was a good girl, and it felt great to be a liar. ::dances:: I love MSI. I need something to do... I'm bored as fuck and hyper because I was tired so I took lots of concerta and ritalin and it's kicking it NOW but NOW I don't have much to do at all. LIAR. Blah dee blah, nothing to talk about... I haven't had sex in a really long time. That makes me sad. Sort of... actually it doesn't bother me unless I think about it. And too much time at home with nothing to do = lots of thinking. Where is my sex?! I've been thinking about the past a lot and it's weird to think about how I felt in certain situations. And how less special sex is to me now. Thinking about losing my virginity is so weird, thinking about all the things running through my head when it happened and how now sex is exciting still but not even comparable. Blah fucking blah.
Happy Valentine's day.
I want you to visit cuz you're bored and fucking cute. I just hate to see you sad.