Meow to the millionth power. I am uber-fucked up in the hiz-ouse and therefor do not yet realize that I will later regret all the stupidity that I so desperately want to include in this entry. Me gustan mucho los dias de nieve... if that's even how you say snow in Spanish because I honestly do NOT remember that right now. I want to curl up into the smallest and tightest ball possible to satisfy the tension that my body is currently having to deal with. I love these entries where I'm so fucked up that I try and sound smart and end up just sounding like a big loser and then someone says something and stuff happens and stuff. And things, we must not forget the things. For those of you who are curious, I fixed the links to the pictures of my hair if you wanna go back and look, I think that would be cool. Lisa and I went to Denny's today and filled out applications and took lots of fun pictures and wen to Jon's and played with his roomates' baby who I think is named Atreyu but that might be a different baby. Yesterday was mildy entertaining as well. We had ourselves some vodka and then smoked ourselves a nice amount of marijuana and I liked to lay down a lot. I don't think I can remember ever being drunk and high, because I usually smoke first and then for some reason, no matter how much I drink, I don't get drunk... I just stay stoned. But if you drink yourself enough vodka before hand, you can be mighty drunk and stoned at the same time and have yourself a damn good time, complete with being attacked and buried under a waterbed. And make Lisa laugh and wonder if she is mad. The day before... was fun too? Maybe? Steven came over and we watched Hypercube and cuddled and I let him rip off some of the skin on my back and we had fake sex or something. That was a good time. I was stuck at Lisa's for a few days because of the snow, but that makes it sound bad... and bad it definetly was NOT. We had lots of fun and her mom even bought me popsicles and gum too but I left the gum there. Oh no! Currently, I believe it is very important to be SCENE so I will say goodbye like this: xFuckxYouxAllxBecausexThesexX'sxMakexMexCoolerxThanxYouxButxDon'tXBexMadxAtxMexBecausexIxStillxCarexEnoughxToxMakexSurexYouxLovexMex man you have no idea how hard is to type/talk like that. I've been doing it a lot to improve my image. Now I'll sit here and wait for the cliche "you're not punk and i'm telling everyone" post. Post away, lovers.

let me tell you:
What a girl u are ! wow! sexy awesome
Have a good day !
i love been scene makes me feel like i fit in.
right off to go scream at some bands. later