Weird, I was just thinking today how this site has the potential to become just like Friendster and MySpace and then I came home to check out the new sets and noticed the differences on the site. It's funny... can't escape popularity contests, they're everywhere. Let's see how many girls we can get to accept our friends requests! Eh, I sound so bitter. I'm not... sort of.
I went over to Willy's on Friday and watched The Song Remains The Same with Steven and we gave each other backscratches and bites and stuff... Went over to John's house and drank way too much... about 8 beers from the keg, some moonshine
::giggles::, had a few cans of beer and a shot or two of vodka.
Then I woke up and me and Brandon played with a kitten and named him Thumbs and devised a TV show based on his life. He was the cat of Hitler, who was frozen and then Brandon and I find him and tease him for being illiterate, at which point in any episode he'll device a plan for murder, because "He's Thumbs, He's Thumbs, He can shoot a gun!" which is our theme song. It's a beautiful thing.
So, hungover and chewing on a toothpick, I went with John and Ashley and CRUCIAL UCIAL to McDonalds, where about 10 of my loser friends were hanging out. Then we went back to Ashley's old neighborhood and skated and bleached hair and listened to Rage. I got incredibly stoned and went to a show and danced to Karmella's Game.
I'm burnt out as fuck... for... no real reason, sort of. You know? Of course you don't.
I went over to Willy's on Friday and watched The Song Remains The Same with Steven and we gave each other backscratches and bites and stuff... Went over to John's house and drank way too much... about 8 beers from the keg, some moonshine

Then I woke up and me and Brandon played with a kitten and named him Thumbs and devised a TV show based on his life. He was the cat of Hitler, who was frozen and then Brandon and I find him and tease him for being illiterate, at which point in any episode he'll device a plan for murder, because "He's Thumbs, He's Thumbs, He can shoot a gun!" which is our theme song. It's a beautiful thing.
So, hungover and chewing on a toothpick, I went with John and Ashley and CRUCIAL UCIAL to McDonalds, where about 10 of my loser friends were hanging out. Then we went back to Ashley's old neighborhood and skated and bleached hair and listened to Rage. I got incredibly stoned and went to a show and danced to Karmella's Game.
I'm burnt out as fuck... for... no real reason, sort of. You know? Of course you don't.

anyway, their last show is on december 5th in college park, MD.. you should go! it's going to be amazing.