I'm so fucking tired all the time again. It's like mono but worse because I have nothing to blame it on. Can't blame it on lack of sleep, because I have sleeping pills and I went to bed early last night and slept in this morning and I've been taking naps in the afternoon. I have my Concerta and Ritalin to keep me awake during the day, but my body is just too fucking lazy to let it work. I was in the worst mood this morning, I just wanted to cry. I came home today and read Choke and couldn't keep my eyes open. When I woke up from my nap I had a headache and it hasn't gone away all night. "Girl inform me" by The Shins is such a good song.
It's keeping me happy right now... I've gone completely retarded. I don't know what I'm doing right now... I had something to talk about but I forget now.
I'm going to Harliquin's show on the 22nd, blowing off the cool kids at the Grange, and the possibility of getting laid. Haha, not really... maybe... that just makes it sound like I'm not DYING to meet this girl.
Aww, there it is again, that face...

Wassupwitdat? Not dying to meet me too? I'm hurt..
Cheer up girly..