i swear, john titor is a virus that spreads like a disease. more and more people come up to me now, eyes twitching side to side, pale skin gleaming under the flourescent lights, saying "hey man, i've been reading that titor stuff. i've almost read all of it. i'm genuinely freaked out now. i haven't eaten any fast food in weeks. i have three guns now, and i clean them nightly."
so i banter with them for a while, feed them some more facts, then send them on their merry way. poor little gollums.
i love the max because it's not only max transit, it's a tourist attraction. so you get a nice mix of people screaming rap lyrics at underage girls, slow people hanging on each other, couples that cling to each other in fear of the wackos, people in business suits wishing they could afford a car, people in sweatclothes twitching, hopping a ride downtown for their next rock, and happy tourist families with kids running between all of their legs. they are always so amazed when i hang my bike up, staring and talking about how genius it is. the kids are glued to the windows when we cross the bridge. then they frantically ask everyone when their stop is and if the max goes to ______, as if it's not on tracks and they don't all go to the same place.
there is no higher form of entertainment than the oblivious self-centered televisions we have all become.
so i banter with them for a while, feed them some more facts, then send them on their merry way. poor little gollums.
i love the max because it's not only max transit, it's a tourist attraction. so you get a nice mix of people screaming rap lyrics at underage girls, slow people hanging on each other, couples that cling to each other in fear of the wackos, people in business suits wishing they could afford a car, people in sweatclothes twitching, hopping a ride downtown for their next rock, and happy tourist families with kids running between all of their legs. they are always so amazed when i hang my bike up, staring and talking about how genius it is. the kids are glued to the windows when we cross the bridge. then they frantically ask everyone when their stop is and if the max goes to ______, as if it's not on tracks and they don't all go to the same place.
there is no higher form of entertainment than the oblivious self-centered televisions we have all become.
Gamblers tonight. You're going, I presume?
See ya there.