Well, um, the first time my now-ex boyfriend gave me a gift account so I tried it out and let it run it's course. Now I get an email saying that some mystery person who chooses to remain nameless reactivated the first gift account for me. Kinda weird Passover gift but OK, thanks! I've graduated, moved, changed jobs (I think), and to my knowledge everyone I knew on this site quit so I'm at a loss. I was really so-so about the whole thing last time but as that ex said the other day, "The word of the year is YES!" so I'm just gonna hang, be cool, and hope nice secret gift-giver says hello!
Who renewed my membership? it wasn't me, i'm back because someone gifted me an account too
Why is your email address not working? reverendhotrod@gmail.com
Why am I here? i don't know, your love of big tits?
What is the meaning of life? god?
Will you please come to Insubordination Fest this year to see Boris with me? i don't know, when is it?