So, let me try this again. L just erased my post as I was about to submit it just now, so I have to type it all over again. Ok, Tomorrow we are hopefully going to Atlantic City again..We were supposed to go today but L's paycheck didn't come through yet so hopefully tomorrow it will have come through. If not that sucks and I'm going to have one very disappointed boy on my hands. He loves his poker. Anyway, It's been a crazy few days, so I haven't been posting much but the bloody mess coming from my loins had finally ceased so that makes me happy. I finally got to have me some lovely sex the past few days which makes me very happy....hooray for sex!!!

Oh! Remind Teh L Boy to get that soundcard! And to send me those pictures from the ER visit, 'cause I'm an obsessive picture collector.
now where are the pics?