I liked Sunday better than today. Sunday I had a wrestling match with my friend, he totally kicked my ass, but I had my moments of glory. It was alot of fun, I used to wrestle alot as a kid, I was better at it then as I recall. Anyway, Sunday rocked. This morning, I noticed one of my rats, Penelope, was acting very odd. After further observation, I realized she must have gotten ahold of some of the rat poison my land lord puts under the floor boards to keep street rats and such out. Penelope must have eaten some while I was cleaning her cage. She wasn't allowed on the floor, but she wanted the poison, it smelled good to her. Now my poor baby is dying a slow miserable death and I am helpless. Today I watched as her central nervous system totally decomposed....it was the saddest thing I've seen in a long time. If she has not passed by tomorrow, I fear I may have to put yet another one of my babies to sleep. I really didn't want to see her go just yet...this makes 3 rat deaths in a month...::sigh:: I'm going to miss her!

Hooray for restling. And I'm so so sorry to hear about Penelope.