It's Friday thank God! I was going insane, I still am, but at least now I have a chance to catch my breath and then work my ass off. I have less than two weeks until the end of semester. That means, I have no time to do anything...I'm gunna eat, sleep, and probably even shit art for the next few days until everything is under control and I've had all my final critiques for this semester. Then I had a month off from school...weeeeeeeeee! Then I can worry about finally....FINALLY getting my act together and taking my "trial set" as a SG hopeful. We shall see, I'm sure I want to do it and all, I'm just super picky about it being exactly right, and I'm not sure at this point, whether that can be. I mean, for one thing, I'm super out of shape, and the food at MICA is kinda unhealthy so let's just say you can tell I've been eating junk for a while. I'm not like, grossly fat or anything, I just don't feel like I'm nessisarily hot enough to do a set right now. I dunno, we'll see. If Halfjack does the set and I look at it and don't like what I see, then I'll just have to try it again later. Maybe I'll feel better about it then. I mean, I realize that part of the whole point in doing this is to not worry about having a perfect body, and kinda to say "fuck you....the media....and society ...this is me, if you don't like it fuck you" And I mean, a huge part of me it like, "hell yeah!" Because the reason I want to do it is to do something I would probably never have other wise done, to proove to myself that I can, and I would and that I'm not so bad.
But I dunno, I just want everything..(the photos, the costumes, makeup, the setting, me) to all work perfectly...I don't mind doing it over again, to get what I need, I'm an artist. That's what I do, I rework things until they DO work. Ok, whatever, I'm not even making sense, so I'm just gunna shut up and go have a shower now. Oh, that reminds me, does anyone have any clever ideas for a set, I mean, I have a couple, but I just like having options in case something else works better. oh well, whatever.....have a nice day everyone...I'm hitting the shower...
But I dunno, I just want everything..(the photos, the costumes, makeup, the setting, me) to all work perfectly...I don't mind doing it over again, to get what I need, I'm an artist. That's what I do, I rework things until they DO work. Ok, whatever, I'm not even making sense, so I'm just gunna shut up and go have a shower now. Oh, that reminds me, does anyone have any clever ideas for a set, I mean, I have a couple, but I just like having options in case something else works better. oh well, whatever.....have a nice day everyone...I'm hitting the shower...

Finals are always pretty shitty, but then again, so is school for the most part. What really is worse, is that whole work thing though. You come to my photo store. Creepy.
Finals are always pretty shitty, but then again, so is school for the most part. What really is worse, is that whole work thing though. You come to my photo store. Creepy.