So yesterday, I had a girly day. It was funny because I don't partake in many girly traditions. I mean, I'm not all that typically girly girl..I'm not a super tom boy either, but you know....anyway....yesterday I went to a spa with my sister and I had a manicure and it was crazy, they massaged my arms and hands and made my horribly cracked messed up, chewed up artist hands look pretty and elegant, it was truely impressive. So after that was all done, I went home and hung out with L for a while, then my friend April came over after work (she's an apprentice at a hair salon, learning the trade, I'm one of her professional guini pigs)So she dyed my hair, and styled it a little. It was supposed to be red "roots" fading into black, but the red didn't take and my "roots" are now kinda coppery blond fading into black instead. I don't hate it, but it's not what I had planned on. April says she is going to try something else soon to get the red to work right...hopefully that will do the trick! I wish I had a picture to show you all, but I do not at the moment. Just picture me looking a little bit like a punk/emo elf of sorts. Anyway, that's that. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and all the jazz!

also i'm kidding. you know i wanna do you you hot little cup of molten lover