I just took a purity test..my final score was 59.8 % pure. So does that mean I'm a perv. or a slut or something? Or am I just kinky...I think I'm just kinky. It was a pretty extensive test, it was 500 questions, alot of then rather sick...ranging from questions like..do I insert rodents into my vagina...(can we say EWWW!) to asking if I've had sex in certain places, used certain things to get off, etc. It was pretty insane, I think I may have to go print a copy of it for my party coming up, that would be...interesting. (knowing my friends..::clears thoat Halfjack:: ) oh sorry, what? I mean, uh...yeah so anyway, I don't think I'm going to get to go to the HIM show tonight. L kept telling me I didn't need to get a ticket, I could get in free, and I was like..."um, I think I should still get one to me safe." and so I finally get him to admit he has no idea whether ot not he can get me in or not so I go to buy a ticket as planned, and hey guess what- SOLD OUT! So I was very pissed about that, but I'm gunna go anyway after he gets off work tonight, and hopefully we can meet up with this guy he know and get in, but I'm not counting on anything. I mean, I'm just not that lucky. I was half expecting something like this to happen anyway. I mean, not to bitch and moan and feel sorry for myself or whatever, but things like this hardly ever go my way, I don't think I've ever successfully seen a band I really cared about before, I always intend to go and then something comes up and I can't go. It's frustrating.

My chair says hello btw, it misses your ass apparently.