I HAVE A MOUSE IN MY ROOM- This time I am sure of it, I saw it with my own eyes ....it's a little grey mouse, and it's adorable, a shame I'm probably going to have to kill it. I really don't want to kill the little guy, does anyone have any suggestions for catching a mouse without killing it? I mean, it seems wrong to have pet rats and say, "oh you guys are cool", but then have this little mouse fending for itself and say..."you must die!" I mean, I realize the difference is that the mouse is probably carrying disease and my rats are not...but still.....it seems unfair. I'd much rather set him free outside somehow if I could. I'm totally animal rights here, I don't like hurting or killing anything.....if there is a way of dealing with this that is at least somewhat humain, I'm opting for that.

humane mouse trap.