Life is complicated sometimes. The other day my room mate comes to me and says that she can't afford the rent anymore and she wants to move out in the middle of our lease agreement. I'm like..."oh, ok well who is going to take over your half of the rent then?" and she's like.."oh some girl." I'm like ok then, so I call her the next day to tell her I'll be running a little bit late to meet this girl and she says that the girl is no longer interested and won't be coming over. So I'm like..."um..ok then." So at this point she is going to try and find a way to come up with enough money to pay the rent for next month, but after that she wants to move out. So now, L is considering moving in. Nothing is set in stone here, it's just that it seems like the easiest way to kill two birds with one stone. I mean, L has a new job, and it seems to be going well, but he is still staying with me until he can find himself a place to live, and his stuff is all here for the most part anyway. So If ashley needs someone to cover her, and he needs a place to live anyway, it makes the best's the easiest thing. On the other hand, I can't help feeling a little paranoid that ( although things are just great at the moment) I don't know what our future holds, I mean, I'm in no way anticipating something bad to happen or us to break up...but I just mean I become more aware of that as something that happens between people sometimes if he were to move in here for real and live with me. It would just totally suck if he moved in and then something bad happened and we split and we still lived together. I dunno, maybe I'm just being to paranoid. I should just enjoy the boy's company and be happy that I'll have someone I know I get along with living with me. I won't have to worry about all that ickyness my roommate presently puts me through, such as leaving certain protective latex items sitting around in the bathroom..echhhhhh
It would be a blast to have him live here, and I do hope it works out so that he can and Ashley moves out. I just hope that if L does move in, things go well as far as us being together.I just don't want things to endwith him, I really care about this boy alot, enough to say I think I love him and I want to always be friends with him if nothing else. I hope that even if we did split for some reason that we could still be good friends. Did I mention I have abandonment issues......

It would be a blast to have him live here, and I do hope it works out so that he can and Ashley moves out. I just hope that if L does move in, things go well as far as us being together.I just don't want things to endwith him, I really care about this boy alot, enough to say I think I love him and I want to always be friends with him if nothing else. I hope that even if we did split for some reason that we could still be good friends. Did I mention I have abandonment issues......

even if its early!! thanks!!
it's a pretty interesting situation to get into. i guess it just depends on how close you two are. it sounds like a good thing to me (logistically at least). I do know what it's like to live with someone after having a falling out and that can suck but everything comes out ok in the end. good luck with that.