I would like to say thank you to everyone for their kind words, and support. The past week has been really rough on me. I have made alot of discoveries about myself as a person, and have come to the conclusion it's not a person I want to be. Right now, I am a girl who has no self control, no respect for obligations to...
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I'm sobbing as I write this....L just left for good. As in, we packed up all his stuff and moved it out to his car, got him new tires and then we stood in the street and hugged, then he got in his car and drove away. It's so strange. I look at where all his things used to be, and they aren't there any...
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i read this journal entry and the only thing i feel more than the desire to make you hurt less is the satisfaction from seeing how much you've matured in the briedf time i've remet you. you're an amazing woman, bumps. i hope you know that. i think L did. it sucks it didn't work out, but i think this was all very necesary. i think now you have a better idea what to do next.
This is one of the most grown-up and smart things I've ever read, Seriously.
Ok- I have had the flu for over a week now and it's getting really old! I'm not getting better, I'm getting worse! This is not fair, because Christmas is in like....what 3 days, and I'm this walking barrel of snot. It's really yummy! On the bright side, my sister is being really awesome and she and I have been having some lovely movie nights....
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Hope you're doing well hon!
And I hope you start to feel better!

I think everybody is getting sick right now, i know i am and it sucks!!
It's over. I broke up with L on Friday night. It was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I know in my heart, in my gut I did the right thing for me. It just sucks when the right thing is to hurt another person so much. At first he was angry, so I left and went to my...
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Seems to be the time of year for things like this to go around.
Quite a number of people I know are going through emotional times of some sort, break ups, family drama, loss of loved ones,
I don't know either of you that well, but I wish you both good luck on everything and I've always got a friendly ear if either of you need somebody to talk to. Pass that on to L as well.
Sometimes time to find who we really are is exactly what we need. So I wish you both luck.
Quite a number of people I know are going through emotional times of some sort, break ups, family drama, loss of loved ones,
I don't know either of you that well, but I wish you both good luck on everything and I've always got a friendly ear if either of you need somebody to talk to. Pass that on to L as well.
Sometimes time to find who we really are is exactly what we need. So I wish you both luck.

sweety i am so sorry i was not there when you called. i suck again. please call me soon cuz i imagine you're done with school now and we should play.
So I finally finished my finals! HOORAY! I can sleep now! I'm so happy to not have any responsibility for a month....just sleep and eat and play...three things I do very well! This makes me very happy. I'm also a bit buzzed right now, which also makes me pretty happy. Alcohol is my friend. So yeah, in not so nice news, my cat is rather...
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aw. when my kitty was getting ready to die, she stopped eatig and became extra cuddly.
but my cat was kind of a demon, and it was certianly her time to 'go up the mountain'.
congrats on freedom, and i hope everything works out with your kitten in the most painless way possible.
but my cat was kind of a demon, and it was certianly her time to 'go up the mountain'.
congrats on freedom, and i hope everything works out with your kitten in the most painless way possible.
Finals are killing me. I think I've cried at least once every day, I'm so stressed. I've had alot on my mind. I mean, things with L are so confusing. I mean, at the moment things are good, we had a huge..HUGE fight and he grabbed all his stuff and was getting ready to leave forever, back to Virginia and out of my life. I...
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Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them.
No one is worth losing yourself over. I did that once and I'll never do it again.
No one is worth losing yourself over. I did that once and I'll never do it again.
we will, bumps, we will
So the past few days have been pretty hellish. Not only do I have finals to get through, which I do. But L and I keep having these huge all night fights where we come about a half a second away from him leaving for good. It's really been taking it's toll on me phyically and emotionally. For the past week, whenever I try and...
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Whoa. That's deep.
Yeah, I work at service photo. I have long hair.
Yeah, I work at service photo. I have long hair.
sorry i wasn't more help
It's Friday thank God! I was going insane, I still am, but at least now I have a chance to catch my breath and then work my ass off. I have less than two weeks until the end of semester. That means, I have no time to do anything...I'm gunna eat, sleep, and probably even shit art for the next few days until everything is...
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Finals are always pretty shitty, but then again, so is school for the most part. What really is worse, is that whole work thing though. You come to my photo store. Creepy.
Finals are always pretty shitty, but then again, so is school for the most part. What really is worse, is that whole work thing though. You come to my photo store. Creepy.
So yesterday, I had a girly day. It was funny because I don't partake in many girly traditions. I mean, I'm not all that typically girly girl..I'm not a super tom boy either, but you know....anyway....yesterday I went to a spa with my sister and I had a manicure and it was crazy, they massaged my arms and hands and made my horribly cracked messed...
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see but it'll be perfect no matter what cuz i'm shooting the set. it doesn't matter that you're ugly and fat and have a funny shapped head. i will make a masterpiece out of the poo i have to work with. i will make a Pooh out of poo, if you will.
also i'm kidding. you know i wanna do you you hot little cup of molten lover
also i'm kidding. you know i wanna do you you hot little cup of molten lover
Do u go to mica???
I just took a purity test..my final score was 59.8 % pure. So does that mean I'm a perv. or a slut or something? Or am I just kinky...I think I'm just kinky. It was a pretty extensive test, it was 500 questions, alot of then rather sick...ranging from questions like..do I insert rodents into my vagina...(can we say EWWW!) to asking if I've had...
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I found it randomly on google, not sure if its a real one or not, most likely photoshop.
My chair says hello btw, it misses your ass apparently.
My chair says hello btw, it misses your ass apparently.

Sadly, it's not illegal. My mom had mandatory overtime when she was working for the state, and her deal was much, much worse than mine. 

Booze and Drugs = self medication ( I never went to medical school so I dont know the right dosage )
Church = just startrd agin also something is there love for sure (Im reading the bible daily most bibles have a daily read so you can read it in one year)
No Sex = the build up of fluids normally released during sex is good for the body and mind ( no crap ) I think it works.
The longest journey begins with the first step..self relization requires some pain but in the long run you grow...As we said in the 60s Hang in there Baby